We developed custom 3D graphics software for demanding customers like Google. Starting from scratch, I sold and negotiated our 50+ contracts for 35+ customers, did all the marketing, some project management, hiring, firing. I personally developed the software for some of the more complex projects.
By 2008 we made $1.1M profit that we re-invested into our 3D Security software.
For Sony and Autodesk, involved in COLLADA 3D file format standardization, developed file translators for Autodesk 3ds Max and Maya. I personally re-wrote the Maya translator. These products were open-source. 30,000 subscribers joined our mailing list over 3 years.
For AGEIA (acquired by NVIDIA), helped standardize real-time physics (rigid body dynamics, rag dolls) within COLLADA. I integrated the PhysX engine in Maya.
Ported Scaleform’s 3D UI library to Unreal Engine, Playstation 3, etc.
For Deep Light (autostereoscopic 3D display), I developed a Maya plug-in and an OpenGL driver to render 9 different viewpoints in real-time - supported AAA games of the time.
For Google Lively, developed a COLLADA importer, supported animated 3D characters
For Adobe, helped integrate 3D into Photoshop.
For Apple, ported and optimized 3D visualizers.
For Canadian Space Agency, developed part of a simulator of the International Space Station.
For Trimble, developed GPU-accelerated point cloud processing and 3D reconstruction algorithms
I frequently presented at SIGGRAPH, GDC (Game Developer Conference), Autodesk developer conferences
Internal projects:
Feeling Home: Prototyped e-commerce and browser-based 3D home visualization. Ahead of its time.
Feeling Constructive: Developed 3D reconstruction pipeline, to create fully-textured 3D models from from photos. State-of-the-art at the time (e.g. point and line feature descriptors, pose estimation, advanced RANSAC, surface reconstruction from sparse data, etc.) Made obsolete by Kinect.