Deep neural networks can recommend your next purchase, recognize cancer cells… but who cares? Here we focus on an age-old existential question: how accurately can they classify crazy cats and dogs pictures?
5 years ago, it would have taken a army of computer scientists to implement an algorithm that can accurately and instantly recognize a cat from a dog in a random picture. It’s now surprisingly easy to achieve extremely high (99.7%) accuracy using the 2016 ResNeXt50 architecture, as demonstrated in the lesson 2. That CNN (convolutional neural network) was trained on ImageNet and a data set of 12,500 cats and 12,500 dogs in various poses and environments. I was curious how well it would hold against new weird (and funny) cats and dogs pictures. Would the 99.7% accuracy hold? What pictures wouldn’t work, and why? Would adding these new pictures to the validation data set possibly improve the accuracy on the original data set?
My wife Misako kindly found 108 new specimen - some of the funniest and weirdest the internet could offer. Following is a sample. The full list of 54 cats and 54 dogs is at the very bottom of this post.
(The 2nd, 6th and 8th cats have clearly deformed faces - I thought these were most likely to result in mistakes.)
(Yes, that 3rd picture is a small dog whose face is buried in the ass of a larger dog.)
For simplicity, I simply added the new pictures to the validation folders and re-ran the training and prediction from the original notebook. In total, training took 30 minutes on my NVIDIA GTX 1070. Prediction on 10,500 validation images took around 1 minute. That’s an average of 35 predictions per second, with ~2100 validation images * 5 TTA (data-augmented) samples per validation image. I made the following changes:
Amazingly, the accuracy stayed the same, at 99.67%:
None of my personal guesses ended up confusing the CNN. Here are the 3 cat pictures that did:
(Click an image to zoom.) I wouldn’t blame the CNN for the third cat… It looks like a devil and I suspect it’s actually CGI (Computer Graphics).
Interestingly, all the previously-misclassified original validation cat images were correctly classified this time around - so this extra validation data clearly helped the neural network to generalize its concept.
5 dogs were misclassified. The first two are from the new data. They are both puppies bums taken from behind. I suspect the original data set didn’t include this viewpoint or only included the bums of older dogs.
The last three were from the original data set:
I find this 3rd image most intriguing. I’m not sure what confused the CNN here. I plan to do more investigation later on, starting with running the experiment again to see if this is just bad luck.
Jeremy from offered good explanations for the last two pictures:
This is what you really came for, right? ;-) Here it is: